Tax relief

Tax relief



Why donate?

Why donate?




The City of Peace Foundation for Children Basilicata is funded by contributions from its founding bodies, the projects it organizes and support from private individuals and companies.
The contributions of companies and individual donors are therefore an essential element for the support of our daily activities on behalf of refugees, such as providing accommodation in apartments, legal and medical protection, social integration and employment for families with children, unaccompanied minors and adults.
The donations also ensure the quality of the Foundation’s activities, broadening their scope and making them sustainable over time, so that our diffused accommodation model can spread and become a benchmark for improving the plight of those forced to flee their own native land.

Donate Now


You can also donate by:
•    Deposit to our bank account - IBAN IT 80 K033 5901 6001 0000 0072 002
•    Deposit to our postal account no. 1012433700