chi siamo wThe Founding bodies are the Region of Basilicata, the municipalities of Scanzano Jonico and Sant’Arcangelo and the International and Italian World Centres of Compassion for Children. According to the Statutes, the representatives of the Founding bodies appoint the Board of Directors and the Chairperson, who remain in office for five years.

The Board of Directors appoints the Chief Executive Officer from among its members. The Board also appoints the Executive Director and the Auditor, selected according to the procedures laid down by regional law.

The members of the Board of Directors and Founders’ Assembly perform their duties free of charge, with reimbursement solely for costs incurred.



Founders’ Assembly and Board of Directors

Betty Williams

Betty Williams

Chairperson - Nobel Peace Laureate
Vincenzo Cursio

Vincenzo Cursio

Representative of the Italian and International WCCC
Vito Bardi

Vito Bardi

President of the Basilicata Regional Government
Vincenzo Parisi

Vincenzo Parisi

Mayor of Sant’Arcangelo (PZ)
Raffaello Ripoli

Raffaello Ripoli

Mayor of Scanzano Jonico (MT)
Michele Plati

Michele Plati

Persident Il Sicomoro - Representative of supporters

Technical and operational structure

Valerio Giambersio

Valerio Giambersio

Executive Director
Lorenza Messina

Lorenza Messina

SPRAR project Manager - Education and advocay
Stefania Carbone

Stefania Carbone

SPRAR Project Manager - Monitoring and reporting
Studio Liccione and Martone

Studio Liccione and Martone

Employment Advisor and Accountant
Giuseppina Daranno

Giuseppina Daranno
