The following are partners of the Foundation: Tolbà Association, Arci Basilicata, Province of Potenza, Sviluppo Basilicata, the Regional Education Office, Natuzzi, BBC, the Matera 2019 Foundation, the Potenza West Rotary Club, Avis Basilicata, the Eli Lilly Foundation, the “Io Potentino” Association, the Jacques Maritain International Institute, the University of Basilicata, the UnIdea Association, the Rosafuria Association, the Lucana Film Commission Foundation, the Visioni Future Association, Calia Italia, Bawer, CSV Basilicata, the Katundi Joni for the World Association, the Link Cultural Association of Altamura, Comitato 3 Ottobre, FAO, the Nobel Peace Prize Secretariat, Mario Cucinella Architects, Legambiente Basilicata, CIDI Potenza and the Dante Alighieri Association, CSS Theater Udine.
Supporter ex Art. 7 of the Statute
