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The Founding Members of the City of Peace are the Basilicata Regional Government, the Local Authorities of Scanzano Jonico and Sant'Arcangelo, and the World Center of Compassion for Children International and Italia. As established in the Foundation Charter, representatives of the Founding Members appoint the Board of Directors and the President, who remain in office for five years.

The Board of Directors chooses amongst its members the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The Board also appoints the Executive Director and the Auditor, who is selected following the procedures established by the Regional Law.

The members of the Board of Directors and the Assembly of Founding Members carry out their roles without payment, but only reimbursement of expenses.


Assembly of Founding Members and Board of Directors

Jody Williams

Jody Williams

President of the Foundation from March 2022 and Peace Nobel Laureate
Betty Williams

Betty Williams

The Nobel Peace Laureate was President of the Foundation from its establishment to 2020, the year in which she passed away.

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Vincenzo Cursio

Vincenzo Cursio

CEO – Representative of WCCC Italy and International
Vito Bardi

Vito Bardi

President of the Basilicata Council
Salvatore La Grotta

Salvatore La Grotta

Mayor of Sant'Arcangelo (Potenza)
Pasquale Cariello

Pasquale Cariello

Mayor of Scanzano Ionico (MT)
Caro Grieco

Caro Grieco

President of SAGEST SrL - Representative of supporters (art.6 bylaws)
Michele Plati

Michele Plati

President of the "Il Sicomoro" Social Cooperative - Representative of supporters (art.6 bylaws)
Marcello Saverio Furio Pittella

Marcello Saverio Furio Pittella

Mayor of Lauria - Representative of supporters (art.6 bylaws)

Technical and Operational Staff

Valerio Giambersio

Valerio Giambersio

Executive Director
Studio Liccione e Martone

Studio Liccione e Martone

Labour Consultants and Chartered Accountants
Giuseppina Daranno

Giuseppina Daranno


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Fondazione Città della Pace per i Bambini Basilicata

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Fondazione Città della Pace per i Bambini Basilicata


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