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It is only together that we can face the challenges of our future, you too can help!

Let us develop our communities with refugees

The Foundation City of Peace for Children Basilicata is funded with the founders’ contributions, with the projects it carries out, and with the support of individuals and businesses. The donations of businesses or individual donors are, therefore, essential to support the activities we carry out every day on behalf of refugees.

We provide families with children, Unaccompanied Foreign Minors, and adults with accommodation in flats, legal protection and health services, and social and professional integration. Donations are also needed to ensure the quality to our activities, to expand these activities, and to make them sustainable over time, so that our model of widespread reception may be extended and become a model to improve the conditions of those forced to flee the country in which they were born.

Donate now by credit card


You may easily donate:

  • by bank transfer to the Foundation Bank Account - IBAN IT36 G030 6909 6061 0000 0072 002
  • by transfer to the Foundation Post Office Account No.1012433700

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Fondazione Città della Pace per i Bambini Basilicata

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Fondazione Città della Pace per i Bambini Basilicata


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