volontari wThe City of Peace Foundation has welcomed volunteers from various parts of the world, including Germany, Spain, Italy and the United States. Their valuable contributions have enhanced the Foundation’s activities and projects and created added value, while also enriching their own wealth of experience.

In a sense we are like a small “incubator”; after their training experience at the City of Peace, many of our volunteers have be given career opportunities with United Nations or European Union agencies as well as with national or international third-sector organizations, while others have found new jobs and employment opportunities in the field of reception or social work in general.

A City of Peace Foundation volunteer is someone who shares our ideals, is passionate about our cause and commits his/her time above all to the organization of events, campaigns and opportunities for spreading information and for raising awareness, and of activities for the benefit of refugees.They do not necessarily need to be highly specialized because we emphasize that training in the field is a time of encounter, sharing and growth.


  • Daniela Lococo – Spain
  • Lorenza Messina – italy
  • Stefania Mancusi – Italy
  • Stefania Carbone – Italy
  • Julian Schweitzer – Germany
  • Carmen Rosa – italy
  • Giusy D’Onofrio – Italy
  • Carolina Golisciano – italy
  • Daniela Lococo – Spain

    Daniela Lococo – Spain

    Being able to work with the City of Peace Foundation was not only an incredible human experience but also a unique and priceless professional opportunity. I was able to put everything I had studied into practice and I met some wonderful companions. After the experience with the Foundation I was accepted by UNCHR for an internship in Nador, Morocco, on the border with Spain.
  • Lorenza Messina – italy

    Lorenza Messina – italy

    What are the best things about an experience as a volunteer with the Foundation? The human relationship you create with the guests every day, where an initial stare of diffidence becomes a smile of confidence and gratitude for everything you are doing for them; a smile that fills your heart. It is an experience I would recommend to anyone who wants to enrich themselves through diversity. I now work in Rome organizing events.
  • Stefania Mancusi – Italy

    Stefania Mancusi – Italy

    My experience as a volunteer enabled me to gain skills and experience new aspects of the non-profit world, particularly the area of fundraising. Everything I learned has proven very useful for my future. I now work for a non-profit organization in Milan, raising funds with companies. This might never have happened without the Foundation.
  • Stefania Carbone – Italy

    Stefania Carbone – Italy

    The experience with the Foundation was very positive as it allowed me to experience a small example of excellence in our region. The months spent with the Foundation were also a great help when I decided to apply to the European Commission, where I was chosen for an internship at DG DEVCO, working with migration and development.
  • Julian Schweitzer – Germany

    Julian Schweitzer – Germany

    My experience as a volunteer with the Foundation began after a period with the Peace Jam organization in the United States. I spent three months, from March to June 2012, with the refugees and staff of the Foundation, involved in various activities related to integration. After this, my career trail led me to the United Nations International Labour Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Carmen Rosa – italy

    Carmen Rosa – italy

    I graduated in Law and, having always had interest and concern for social issues, I began an internship as a volunteer at the Foundation’s headquarters in Potenza. I underwent a period of training with the Foundation thanks to the Garanzia Giovani programme, organized by the Region of Basilicata, and I was then chosen for an internship in the UNHCR headquarters in Panama.
  • Giusy D’Onofrio – Italy

    Giusy D’Onofrio – Italy

    Fun, enthusiasm, self-discovery and learning! Voluntary work is basically a free decision to place your knowledge and experience at the service of those who need to regain self-awareness and discover their own capabilities. My collaboration with the City of Peace Foundation was a springboard for my current job as an educator with reception projects in Basilicata.
  • Carolina Golisciano – italy

    Carolina Golisciano – italy

    I came to know City of Peace almost by chance, through an article I read on the Internet. As I got to know this organization from close at hand, I was pleasantly surprised by the professionalism, transparency and passion of the staff, as well as the healthy and pleasant environment, characterized by esteem and respect. After a few months of training, I began working for the Foundation as Head of Fundraising, a position I have held for three years.